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My Custom Message

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Joined: 04 Aug 2006
Posts: 20
Location: Planet Earth

PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 7:19 am    Post subject: My Custom Message Reply with quote

Although stronger language is always tempting (and sometimes satisfying) it's not effective in this quest. Here's my modified custom message:

HEY SPAMMER! Stop your spamming. Because I am tired of receiving it and it's really annoying. How about doing something useful rather than resorting to deception in an attempt to sell? Like, how about getting a real job, or actually doing something productive instead of clogging people's e-mail accounts with tons of electronic garbage! When you were a little boy, did you say "I want to grow up and be a huge annoyance to millions of people all over the world" ??? Well, it seems that's what you've become after all.
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Joined: 02 Aug 2006
Posts: 77

PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 8:47 am    Post subject: Modifying Reply with quote

Good idea ... I also replace letters as well e.g. o by 0 (Zero), l by 1 so your the text wood looks like this:

[quote]HEY SPAMMER! St0p y0ur spamming. Because I am tired 0f receiving it and it's rea11y ann0ying. H0w ab0ut d0ing s0mething usefu1 rather than res0rting t0 decepti0n in an attempt t0 se11? 1ike, h0w ab0ut getting a rea1 j0b, 0r actua11y d0ing s0mething pr0ductive instead 0f c10gging pe0p1e's e-mai1 acc0unts with t0ns 0f e1ectr0nic garbage! When y0u were a 1itt1e b0y, did y0u say "I want t0 gr0w up and be a huge ann0yance t0 mi11i0ns 0f pe0p1e a11 0ver the w0r1d" ??? We11, it seems that's what y0u've bec0me after a11.[/quote]

Thought that might be a good idea to talk to 'em in their language *LOL*
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Joined: 04 Aug 2006
Posts: 20
Location: Planet Earth

PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 4:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll use that version, thanks oli32de Smile
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Joined: 28 May 2004
Posts: 297

PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 6:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I think you just gave us an idea for creating new "messages". We can create a 'spamvertised' message style, that replaces all "o"'s with "0"s, "l"'s, with "1"'s, etc. How does that sound? Smile

Please post here all the different letters/variations in spelling, etc, and we'll add something that will create a 'spamvertized' style message.

I.e., take:

"Stop your spamming please!" and make it say:
"St0p y0ur sp4mm1ing p1e4se!"

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Joined: 01 Aug 2006
Posts: 57

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 11:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear spammer, i am veri sick and annoyed by your stupid messages. Nobody cares about your pills, your mortages or your winning lottery tickets. Your electronic garbage tells me that your life is a complete failure. Do me a favour: get a real job and a real life also! So, here you are a taste of your own medicine... enjoy!

That's my message, spamvetised version follows:
De4r sp4mm3r, i 4m v3ry si(k 4nd 4nn0y3d by y0ur stupi|) me554ge5. N0b0dy c4re5 4b0ut y0ur pi115, y0ur m0rtages 0r y0ur winning l0ttery ti(ket5. Y0ur ele(troni( g4rb4ge te115 m3 th4t y0ur lif3 i5 4 c0mpl3te f4ilur3. D0 m3 a f4v0ur: g3t a r3a1 j0b 4nd a r34l 1if3 a150! S0 h3r3 y0u 4re 4 t45te 0f y0ur 0wn m3di(in3... 3njoy!

Actually i'm using the "usubscribe" page of a spammer with the emails owned by spammers. A spammer that spams a spammer: that's awesome! Laughing
Life is a spam... and I want my frog back!
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Joined: 27 Jul 2006
Posts: 28

PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 9:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

That's a good one j0k3r! I shall use it. Very Happy
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Joined: 02 Aug 2006
Posts: 77

PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:54 am    Post subject: x10001x (=> *LOOL*) Reply with quote

Ha ha ha ... sounds good to me. Here are my (international) suggestions:

a @
c (
e é
g 9
i î
l | (Pipe)
o 0 (Zero)
s $
u ù
w vv (twice v)

So that would be my sample text, good choice

$0 th@t vv0ù|d bé @ $@mp|e téxt, 900d (h0îcé
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